
What does an RPA developer do?

Date: 2021.06.24

Category: RPA

Exploring the role of RPA Developers and the implementation of software robots

In recent years, a number of robotics frameworks have emerged. To master them, one needs strong logical skills besides basic programming knowledge, therefore even business colleagues with some IT skills can learn to use them and leave business critical, important processes for software robots. Therefore, the role of developer and analyst is usually not separated at BCA in case of RPA projects. When robotics is already in the organizational culture, automation of a new process can be implemented in just a few weeks, but no more than a few months, from analysis to full implementation. Therefore, it does not make sense to separate the job of understanding the business need and then developing it, as it could take longer than the completion of the whole automatization task. The experience one gains in this field is rare: our colleagues specify, create implementation, resource and cost plans, then implement and test the robot and finally support the go-live, performance measurement and optimalization.


Our RPA developer colleagues usually work on several software robot implementation projects at the same time. Typically while one project is in the analysis phase and they talk to the customer to find the best solution to the business challenge - often waiting for information -  on the other project they are already in the active development phase. The dynamics of the tasks are naturally different, but they complement each other very well.

To further enrich the extremely wide range of tasks, our colleagues can gain insight into several industries and corporate areas, as software robots increasingly network the business operations of our customers. Check out an interesting summary of our Top 7 software robots in our previous post if you are interested how widely they are used.


You can ask the question, what kind of knowledge and experience is needed to become a successful RPA implementer: It is important to have very strong logical thinking and methodological knowledge of basic programming. A significant part of our daily work is spent with communicating with clients. Who wants to work in this job, it is essential to be happy to work and consult with others. It is necessary to quickly understand a new organization, to see the processes waiting to be automated, to be able to work efficiently. Today, in all areas of IT, one can be successful on the long run, who is constantly training and following emerging technologies. As an RPA consultant, this is even more true, as this is a fairly new area that is expected to grow in the coming years. For the same reasons, the ability to share knowledge within a team can also be decisive: At BCA, 20-25 of us deal specifically with RPA, an important element in acquiring new knowledge is the transfer of experience gained during our various projects.

To summarize: The job of the RPA developer is very diverse and there is a lot to learn in this extremely colorful role, from understanding business processes, automating them and measuring their efficiency in a live system to managing the entire implementation process - which can be especially tempting for those who prefer diversity, independency and of course the associated responsibility.

You can learn more about the tasks of an RPA developer in an interview with our colleague Marci on the site of TMap.


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